
Fast & easy EI&C engineering with COMOS Automation.

COMOS – Making data work.

The product range of COMOS Automation supports electrical engineering for plant and equipment through to full automation covering all processes relevant to electrical, instrumentation and control engineering. The seamless transition from basic to detail engineering reduces iteration loops and simplifies documentation and revision management. Function planning is effected in a standards-compliant manner and is thus efficient and error-free – including the automation function.

Hydraulic and pneumatic flow charts are generated on the basis of preexisting data.


COMOS EI&C represents a software solution which details and specifies all functional EI&C data that was schematically described during process planning. This is optimized by the seamless connection to upstream process engineering. Switchboard systems including automation solutions can be planned easily and thus be discribed in a single-lined (simplified circuit diagram representation) or multi-lined (detailed representation) standard-based representations. The interlinking with fluid technology allows for data from the EI&C engineering or previous planning steps to be available to the fluidics engineer for easy further processing as well.

COMOS Logical

COMOS Logical represents the ideal software solution for the graphical creation of function plans and sequences in accordance with applicable standards. The seamless information flow in COMOS facilitates planning on the basis of already defined signals. Changes can be tracked and implemented more rapidly and fault potentials are extensively minimized.